Thursday 6 May 2010

Racist Jokes!!!!!!

A Zebra dies and arrives at the Pearly Gates. As he enters, he asks St. Peter, “I have a question that’s haunted me all of my days on earth… Am I white with black stripes, or am I black with white stripes?”

St. Peter said, “That’s a question only God can answer.” So the zebra went off in search of God. When he found Him, the zebra asked, “God, please - I must know. Am I white with black stripes, or am I black with white stripes?”

God simply replied, “You are what you are.”

The zebra returned to see St. Peter once more, who asked him, “Well, did God straighten out your query for you?” The zebra looked puzzled.

“No sir, God simply said ‘You are what you are.’” St. Peter smiled and said to the zebra, “Well then, there you are. You are white with black stripes.”

The zebra asked St. Peter, “How do you know that for certain?” “Because,” said St. Peter, “If you were black with white stripes, God would have said, “You is what you is.”

If you laughed at this, Al Sharpton and Jesse will get you… shhhhhhhhhh.

Rude Poem!!!!

Roses are straight,

Violets are twisted,

Bend over love,

You're about to get fisted.

Roses are crap,

Violets are wanky,

Oooh I've just come,

Pass me a hanky.

Roses are stupid,

Violets are silly,

Grease up your flaps,

Cos here comes my willy.

Roses are awful,

Violets are the pits,

Lift up your shirt,

And show us your tits.

Roses are crap,

Violets are shit,

Sit on my face,

And wiggle a bit.

Roses make me laugh,

Violets make me titter,

You're a dirty bitch,

And you love it up the shitter.

Roses are red,

But I like carnations,

You're so crap in bed,

That I fucked your alsations.

Roses are red,

Violets are finer,

Chickens are fowl,

Just like your vagina.

Roses are red,

It's elementary,

Let's ring up a friend,

And try double-entry.

Roses are shit,

Violets are crap,

Show me your clit,

And I'll cum in your lap.

sex story!!!!

i decided on the guest list, i didnt want to invite too many people but then again i'd hate to see the disappointment rising on my guests' faces as they see the lack of friends i have, so with every friend i had written down, i scribbled a +1 next to them. Fingers crossed hey?

one week later...

"oh i cant believe i did that, the look on his face said it all, i was so ashamed". The roar of laughter echoed around the room.

The conversations of the night didnt really seem to change theme, everyone was more interested in me making a complete and utter fool out of myself, and where men were concerned they revelled in my embarassment!

The crowds began to disappear finally, i guess after an hour of asking them all " dont you have homes to be going to", they finally got the message. however once everyone had left, i couldnt help but feel quite abandoned. These four walls just didnt imply that they were going to show me any affection which is what i really needed and found myself daydreaming about.

"The toilet will need unblocking unfortunately" came a deep, yet gentle voice. i shot round unaware that there was anyone else present in the house. I thought everyone had left which added to the surprise guest, which i may add i wasn't even acquainted with.

"Thats the trouble with having house parties, theres always someone who persists on making more hard work for me, just for the fun of it" i giggled, in such a childlike manner that i felt ridiculous but i couldnt let it show right there.

I made us both a drink and encouraged my guest to make himself comfortable. He was of average height and quite stocky which appealed to me the more i gazed at him. We sat and talked and eventhough my guest was a total stranger, within half an hour i felt like i had known him for years. I even surprised myself at how comfortable i felt around him.

He moved up closer towards me, our thighs touching, which put me on edge a little but i craved for the attention.

"It was such a great party, i really enjoyed myself. You should do this more often" He placed his hand on top of mine comforting me. His skin was warm and smooth. His hand was much bigger than mine. something about their relative sizes made me feel quite safe and protected, but i wasn't sure what i was being protected from.

"Thanks". i leant against him. pressing my upper arm against his. it was an unconscious gesture, seeking comfort, and it never crossed my mind that it could be misinterpreted. i felt him dip his head and heard him inhaling. he was sniffing my hair. my heart thumped so hard i was sure he must be able to hear it

" you smell as beautiful as you look" he nuzzled his face against my hair. He laid his hand on my cheek and brushed the tip of his thumb along my lower lip. He bent his head and kissed me. his mouth was hot , soft and hungry. i reached out running my hands over his shirt. my nipples were rigid. my crotch felt hot and liquid. i could feel his heart beating against my chest. his body was hard and muscular and so comforting. his hands slid up and down my spine, making me tingle.

He stopped kissing my me and slid his mouth down my face and onto my neck. i felt his hot wet tongue trailing along my throat. instantly, goose pimples rose and my nipples pricked with pleasure. i tilted back my head, allowing him access.

i felt his hands at the front of my top, fumbling for an opening. his clumsy fingers moved between my breasts. i covered his hand with mine and noticed that he was trembling.

i undid the buttons on his shirt, practically ripping them open. one of them pinged off and i heard it hit the coffee table. i fiddled with my bra. it was the only one i owned that opened at the front and i couldnt help thinking how fortunate it was that i'd chosen to wear it today.

i took his hand and gently laid it on my bare breast. he let out a soft sign of appreciation and his fingers instantly found my nipple. it tingled and came to life as he rolled it between finger and thumb. i moaned.

he moved to take my nipple in his mouth. i gasped at the sudden hot wet intimacy of an undertone of hot skin. i found the back of his head with fumbling fingers and pulled him closer. he began to nibble, stretching my excited nipple with his teeth and i arched my back. between my legs i was hot and tight. my skin was alive with pleasure, tingling and sensitive. He came back up to find my lips again, kissing me so passionately. He ran his hand down the front of my body. he moved it down between my breasts. he cupped the curve of my belly, then slid it down over my crotch. i opened my legs and he stroked the length of my pussy with the tips of his fingers. i sighed. even through the crotch of my knickers the sensation was intense and incredible. my legs began to tremble.

"help me to take them off. stand up" his voice was urgent and hoarse. we both stood up and he squatted down in front of me pulled at my knickers. he slid them down my legs and over my feet.

"now sit down on the edge of the seat and open your legs" i did as he asked, putting my bottom right at the edge of the seat and using my hands to support myself. i spread my legs. i felt his fingers on my thighs and instantly my nipples began to tingle. his fingers found my pussy. he ran one fingertip along its length, agonisingly slowly.

"Thats so good". my voice was practically a whisper. i let out a long slow moan as his fingers stroked my lips.

"no hair... lovely." he pulled my lips apart.

"im glad you like it".

i felt his breath on my pussy and, a second later, his mouth. it felt unbelievably hot and as soft as velvet. i was tingling all over. my nipples were hard and prickling with pleasure. flurries of delicious shivers slid up and down my spine like ghostly fingertips. he covered my clit with his mouth and licked it with his tongue. i could feel tiny differences in pressure as he used different parts of his tongue. the tip felt fluttery and gentle and the flat of his tongue felt strong and powerful. every tingle and throb seemed intense and overwhelming. i reached down and laced my fingers through his hair. i rocked my hips, rubbing my crotch against his face. i could hear him panting, feel his fiery breath on my skin. my thigh muscles were quivering. my breathing was noisy and shallow. tension throbbed in my belly. my crotch was tight with excitement. i felt a fingertip at my opening. he dabbled it in the pooled moisture then slid it inside. i gasped as it entered me, slipping past excited nerve ending and muscles. my clit tingled. he found my G-spot and i practically hit the roof. my arousal cranked up a gear. i was gasping and panting now. he pressed hs fingertip hard against the sensitive spot. my body jolted. i moaned - a long, single note of pleasure and arousal. he sucked on my clit and did it again. the reaction was the same. my crotch burnt with pleasure and sensitivity. tension built.

his mouth moved away and he began to get up. my hands slid off his head and he got to his feet. he stood in front of me the sexy denim jeans fitted his legs and bum perfectly. he started to undo his belt when i moved his hand away, silently offering to tease him myself. i slowly undid his belt, running my hands up the inside of his thighs, pulling his jeans slowing down over his bum. he sat down on the sofa.. i reached out, aching for his erection. i felt his naked hairy thighs, strong and muscular, then slid my hand across to his crotch. he gasped when i touched him and i felt his body shudder.

i gripped the base of his penis, wrapping my fist round it. i could feel the blood and gristle, hard and pumping. it felt thick and hot and silky. i slid my hand along its length, pulling his foreskin over his and helmet and back. i ran my thumb over the swollen endm spreading the pre cum. he moaned. i bent my head and lapped up the slippery liquid, tasting the salt. i swallowed him to the root. my nose was buried in his fragrant pubes, my nostrils filled with his intoxicating man smell. my chin pressed against his balls. i reached down and stroked them, rolling them in their sac. i felt his thighs tremble and he let out a deep moan.

i sat up, i climbed astride him, my knees either side of his thighs. he moved forwards and sat on the edge of the seat and i moved my bottom, positioning myself. i reached between us and found his erection. i slid it up and down the length of my wet pussy then held it in place while i lowered my hips. he slid into me millimetre by delicious millimetre. he felt hot and hard and thick, stretching and opening me. i felt his hands sliding under my skirt and over my hips. he cupped a buttock in each hand and began to rock his hips. i wrapped my arms around his shoulders and tilted my pelvis, meeting his thrusts. he moved inside me like a piston. i could feel his thigh muscles, taut and hard as he moved. i was wound up with his tension. i moved my hips backwards and forwards, rubbing my clit against his scratchy pubes. he moved inside me, stretching and filling me. i could feel my tension building up in my body and i knew i was going to explode. his cock hardened inside me and i could tell by his face and his body that he was going to come with me. he grabbed me and the look in his eyes told me that his body was being taken over by this wave of uncontrollable pleasure. at that split second the tension focused and burst, sensation overwhelmed me, knocking the breath out of me and making me tremble. pleasure pumped around my body.

"i can feel you coming for me. Your muscles are gripping me" he whispered in my ear.

I sat bolt upright, overwhelmed by the adventure my mind had taken me on.. the fantasty it wanted me to live out. Sex with a complete stranger didnt seem so sinful anymore. I didnt even invite this mysterious man into my home but then i remember the +1 that i scribbled, maybe quite carelessly, upon my party invitations. i lay in bed, not quite believing that a dream could be that vivid. i looked over to my phone, picked it up in my sweaty palm. *1 new message*... " you are my cheeky minx :)hope you slept well". i sat up on the edge of my bed and smiled."if only he knew". Anyway i had a lot of preparation before the big party tonight.


Racism is treating someone differently or unfairly simply because they belong to a different race or culture.

People can also experience prejudice because of their religion or nationality.

It is illegal to be treat people differently or unfairly because of their race and no one has the right to make you feel bad or abuse you.

Racism takes many different forms. These can include: Personal attacks of any kind, including violence Written or verbal threats or insults Damage to property, including graffiti Unfortunately racism.

Unfortunately racism can exist in all races and cultures. Racists feel threatened by anyone who is from a different race or culture.

Our views and beliefs develop as we grow up. If a child or young person grows up within a racist family, or has friends who are racist, they may believe that racism is normal and acceptable.

Prejudice of any kind is often based on ignorance and fear of anything unfamiliar.


A riot is a form of civil disorder characterized by disorganized groups lashing out in a sudden and intense rash of violence against people or property. While individuals may attempt to lead or control a riot, riots are typically chaotic and exhibit herd behaviour.

Riots often occur in reaction to a perceived grievance or out of dissent. Historically, riots have occurred due to poor working or, living conditions, government oppression, taxation or conscription, conflicts between races, food supply or religious (see race riot, sectarian violence and program), the outcome of a sporting event or frustration with legal channels through which to air grievances.

Riots typically involve vandalism and the destruction of private and public property. The specific property to be targeted varies depending on the cause of the riot and the inclinations of those involved. Targets can include shops, cars, restaurants, state-owned institutions, and religious buildings.

Some rioters have become quite sophisticated at understanding and withstanding the tactics used by police in such situations. Manuals for successful rioting are available on the internet. These manuals also encourage rioters to get the press involved, as there is more safety with the cameras rolling. There is also more attention. Citizens with video camera may also have an effect on both rioters and police.

Dealing with riots is often difficult task for police departments, and police officers sent to deal with riots are usually armed with ballistic shields and riot shotgun, mainly because of the larger spread of the shorter barrels. Police may also use tear gas and CS gas to stop rioters. Most riot police have moved to using less than lethal methods to control riots, such as shotguns that fire rubber slugs and flexible baton rounds to injure or otherwise incapacitate rioters for easy arrest.


Bullying is not always easy to define. A child may encounter bullying attacks that are:

Physical. Pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching and other forms of violence or threats.

Verbal. Name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumors, persistent teasing.

Emotional. Excluding (sending to Coventry), tormenting, ridicule, humiliation.

Of course, a bully will often rely on a mix of these techniques, and include other children in the bullying, either as witnesses or active participants. Repeated attacks may escalate in intensity.

Emotional bullying, like ridicule and exclusion, seems to be more common than physical violence and, judging by what young people tell us, it can also be the most difficult type of bullying to cope with or prove. New methods have also followed this old problem—texting, cruel photos from a mobile, emails and web-based attacks are increasingly prevalent

Have you ever played cops and robbers? It's fun pretending to be a cop chasing and capturing a robber. It can be even more fun to be the robber because you take things and try to get away with them before your buddy, the cop, catches you. You're not really stealing, of course. It's just make-believe.

Or maybe you're playing baseball, trying to steal a base and not get tagged out. When playing basketball, you can steal the ball from a player on the other team. A stolen base or a steal on the basketball court can help your team. Hey — it's fair play and it's part of the game!

These are both examples of pretend or imaginary stealing that are OK, but there is another form of stealing that is wrong.


Masturbation refers to sexual arousal (and often orgasm as well) by manual stimulation of the genitals.

Generally, the word indicates self-stimulation. But it's worth noting that in 2010 some sexologists use the expression to indicate pleasuring of another person by hand, in phrases such as ‘the husband can masturbate the wife to help her achieve a climax'. However, in this article we shall deal only with self-stimulation.

This is the form of sexual behaviour that most of us learn first – quite instinctively. And, until recently, it was probably the type of sex least talked about.

In fact, in the early part of the last century: masturbation was widely considered to be a sin – and something to be avoided at all costs.

The vast majority of men masturbate sometimes – even if they're in a long-term and happy sexual relationship.

It’s most common if they’re away somewhere on a trip and have been without female company for a while.

Masturbation comes pretty naturally to most men. Let's face it: a male child discovers that his penis feels good before he can talk!

So, it's not surprising that boys fondle this area of their bodies a lot, and then, at the age of around 14, discover that masturbation can lead to orgasm and ejaculation – all of which they find exciting and pleasurable.

There are some men who don't masturbate. But these are mainly men who don't want to do it because of religious reasons or because they're a bit uptight about sex. Also, some guys who have a fairly low sex drive don't masturbate.

Some men - mostly from eastern cultures – try to avoid masturbating because they believe it depletes their energy and may shorten their lives. But there's no truth whatsoever in this belief.

Most men masturbate by rubbing the penis with their ‘dominant’ hand – slowly at first and then more vigorously.

Many guys grasp the shaft of their penis by wrapping their whole hand round it. Others grasp it between their thumb and first or middle finger.

But however they do it, they don't usually have much doubt that they'll achieve orgasm as a result. This is quite a contrast to women, who may experience considerable anxiety about whether they will actually 'make it'.

Some young men worry that they masturbate too much. The fact is that it's almost impossible to do this.

Obviously, if a young guy is staying home and masturbating on the hour every hour, one might want to try to persuade him to get out more!

But when a teenager first discovers sex, it's common for him to want to masturbate several times a day, on some days. And this certainly won't do him any harm.

But masturbating constantly over a period of hours can produce some swelling or ‘puffiness’ of this penis. This is called ‘oedema’ and is due to fluid leaking into the tissues. It will disappear after some hours because the fluid goes back into the bloodstream.


It seems like everyone has a tattoo these days. What used to be the property of sailors, outlaws, and biker gangs is now a popular body decoration for many people. And it's not just anchors, skulls, and battleships anymore — from school emblems to Celtic designs to personalized symbols, people have found many ways to express themselves with their tattoos. Maybe you've thought about getting one. But before you head down to the nearest tattoo shop and roll up your sleeve, there are a few things you need to know.

So What Exactly Is a Tattoo?

A tattoo is a puncture wound, made deep in your skin, that's filled with ink. It's made by penetrating your skin with a needle and injecting ink into the area, usually creating some sort of design. What makes tattoos so long-lasting is they're so deep — the ink isn't injected into the epidermis (the top layer of skin that you continue to produce and shed throughout your lifetime). Instead, the ink is injected into the dermis, which is the second, deeper layer of skin. Dermis cells are very stable, so the tattoo is practically permanent.

Tattoos used to be done manually — that is, the tattoo artist would puncture the skin with a needle and inject the ink by hand. Though this process is still used in some parts of the world, most tattoo shops use a tattoo machine these days. A tattoo machine is a handheld electric instrument that uses a tube and needle system. On one end is a sterilized needle, which is attached to tubes that contain ink. A foot switch is used to turn on the machine, which moves the needle in and out while driving the ink about 1/8 inch (about 3 millimeters) into your skin.

Most tattoo artists know how deep to drive the needle into your skin, but not going deep enough will produce a ragged tattoo, and going too deep can cause bleeding and intense pain. Getting a tattoo can take several hours, depending on the size and design chosen.

Does It Hurt to Get a Tattoo?

Getting a tattoo can hurt, but the level of pain can vary. Because getting a tattoo involves being stuck multiple times with a needle, it can feel like getting a bunch of shots or being stung by a hornet multiple times. Some people describe the tattoo sensation as "tingling." It all depends on your pain threshold, how good the person wielding the tattoo machine is, and where exactly on your body you're getting the tattoo. Also, keep in mind that you'll probably bleed a little.

If You're Thinking About It

If you're thinking about getting a tattoo, there is one very important thing you have to keep in mind — getting it done safely. Although it might look a whole lot cooler than a big scab, a new tattoo is also a wound. Like any other slice, scrape, puncture, cut, or penetration to your skin, a tattoo is at risk for infections and disease.

Body Piercing

What Is a Body Piercing and What Can You Expect?

A body piercing is exactly that — a piercing or puncture made in your body by a needle. After that, a piece of jewelry is inserted into the puncture. The most popular pierced body parts seem to be the ears, the nostrils, and the belly button.

If the person performing the piercing provides a safe, clean, and professional environment, this is what you should expect from getting a body part pierced:

The area you've chosen to be pierced (except for the tongue) is cleaned with a germicidal soap (a soap that kills disease-causing bacteria and microorganisms).

Your skin is then punctured with a very sharp, clean needle.

The piece of jewelry, which has already been sterilized, is attached to the area.

The person performing the piercing disposes of the needle in a special container so that there is no risk of the needle or blood touching someone else.

The pierced area is cleaned.

The person performing the piercing checks and adjusts the jewelry.

The person performing the piercing gives you instructions on how to make sure your new piercing heals correctly and what to do if there is a problem.

Before You Pierce That Part

If you're thinking about getting pierced, do your research first. If you're under 18, some places won't allow you to get a piercing without a parent's consent. It's a good idea to find out what risks are involved and how best to protect yourself from infections and other complications.

Certain sites on the body can cause more problems than others — infection is a common complication of mouth and nose piercings because of the millions of bacteria that live in those areas. Tongue piercings can damage teeth over time. And tongue, cheek, and lip piercings can cause gum problems.

Studies have shown that people with certain types of heart disease might have a higher risk of developing a heart infection after body piercing. If you have a medical problem such as allergies, diabetes, skin disorders, a condition that affects your immune system, or infections — or if you are pregnant — ask your doctor if there are any special concerns you should have or precautions you should take beforehand. Also, it's not a good idea to get a body piercing if you're prone to getting keloids (an overgrowth of scar tissue in the area of the wound).

If you decide to get a body piercing:

Make sure you're up to date with your immunizations (especially hepatitis B and tetanus).

Plan where you will get medical care if your piercing becomes infected (signs of infection include excessive redness/tenderness around the piercing site, prolonged bleeding, pus, and change in your skin color around the piercing area).

Also, if you plan to get a tongue or mouth piercing, make sure your teeth and gums are healthy.

Binge Drinking

Chet has known Dave since they were in elementary school together, but lately their friendship has been strained. Dave's drinking on weekends has turned him into a completely different person. Dave used to get good grades and play sports, but since he started drinking he hasn't been finishing assignments and he has quit the soccer team.

When Chet saw Dave pound five beers in 30 minutes at two different parties, he realized how serious Dave's problem was.

What Is Binge Drinking?

Binge drinking used to mean drinking heavily over several days. Now, however, the term refers to the heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time (just as binge eating means a specific period of uncontrolled overeating).

Today the generally accepted definition of binge drinking in the United Kingdom is the consumption of five or more drinks in a row by men — or four or more drinks in a row by women — at least once in the previous 2 weeks. Heavy binge drinking includes three or more such episodes in 2 weeks.

Why Do People Binge Drink?

Liquor stores, bars, and alcoholic beverage companies make drinking seem attractive and fun. It's easy for a high school student to get caught up in a social scene with lots of peer pressure. Inevitably, one of the biggest areas of peer pressure is drinking.

Other reasons why people drink include:

They're curious — they want to know what it's like to drink alcohol.

They believe that it will make them feel good, not realizing it could just as easily make them sick and hung-over.

They may look at alcohol as a way to reduce stress, even though it can end up creating more stress.

They want to feel older.

What Are the Risks of Binge Drinking?

Many people don't think about the negative side of drinking. Although they think about the possibility of getting drunk, they may not give much consideration to being hung-over or throwing up.

You may know from experience that excessive drinking can lead to difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, mood changes, and other problems that affect your day-to-day life. But binge drinking carries more serious and longer-lasting risks as well.

Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is the most life-threatening consequence of binge drinking. When someone drinks too much and gets alcohol poisoning, it affects the body's involuntary reflexes — including breathing and the gag reflex. If the gag reflex isn't working properly, a person can choke to death on his or her vomit.

Binge drinking impairs judgment, so drinkers are more likely to take risks they might not take when they're sober. They may drive drunk and injure themselves or others. Driving isn't the only motor skill that's impaired, though. Walking is also more difficult while intoxicated. In 2000, roughly one third of pedestrians 16 and older who were killed in traffic accidents were intoxicated.


Have you ever played cops and robbers? It's fun pretending to be a cop chasing and capturing a robber. It can be even more fun to be the robber because you take things and try to get away with them before your buddy, the cop, catches you. You're not really stealing, of course. It's just make-believe.

Or maybe you're playing baseball, trying to steal a base and not get tagged out. When playing basketball, you can steal the ball from a player on the other team. A stolen base or a steal on the basketball court can help your team. Hey — it's fair play and it's part of the game!

These are both examples of pretend or imaginary stealing that are OK, but there is another form of stealing that is wrong.

Wednesday 21 April 2010


Usually, someone that shoplifts doesn't do it out of any real desire for the merchandise they steal. Instead, they shoplift as a way to get the good feeling that occurs after they have gotten away with the crime. More than 3.5 million people have admitted shoplifting in the past five years, according to new research. What do they take? For some it is an addiction, for others a job or a spur-of-the-moment thing, but hundreds of thousands of Brits do it each year, according to new research. Shoplifting is a crime committed by those in desperate need of a short term cash 'fix'. Be it to pay a loan shark or to feed a drug habit the common denominator is poverty. I will grant you that there are habitual shoplifters who see it as an 'occupation' but ask any of them and I'm sure they would rather have a permanent job with a decent wage. If it's ok to rub poor people's noses in it by displaying expensive goods in every high street shop window then don't be surprised when one or two of them decide that being poor should not be a barrier from the desire to possess such items of their own. These people are as receptive to the same forms of advertising that the rest of us (not so poor) people have to endure but rich or poor has no meaning in the river of dreams and shoplifting is the high street currency of choice. What can be described as 'affordable' for a lot of people in this country cannot be for the very poorest who must be sick of seeing the rest of us trudge home laden with bags every day of the week knowing that for them this is but a dream. We can grind them down only so much before they make a stand. Credit cards, loans, wages in the bank every month, mortgages and holidays may seem normal for everyone of us but it's the stuff that dreams are made of for many of Britains poorest families.
I have to confess... when I was a kid (9 or 10 yrs) I used to regularly nick anything up to 5p (only coppers, mind!) from me mum's purse. Then I'll call in at the village sweet-shop on the way to school, buy a few penny sweets (fruit salads, I think) and 'lift' some few more. Fudge were good; small enough to conceal, yet just enough to give myself a treat! I never got caught, but think I gave up after a couple of close scrapes. I think my Single Most Expensive Item was an ice worth about 30 or 40 pence. I can tell you, I had to work quick on that one, before the damn thing melted in my pocket!!! And was it a gateway to more serious offence? Well 12 years later I once walked out of a crowded WH-Smith and 'forgot' to pay for the magazine I was holding. I'm happy to say however, I've remained clean ever since (15 years).


Gossip is idle talk or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. It forms one of the oldest and most common means of sharing (unproven) facts and views, but also has a reputation for the introduction of errors and other variations into the information transmitted. GOSSIP is something usually attributed to women. But plenty of men do it too; they are just more mono-syllabic about it. Husbands and wives do it with each other about other husbands and wives. Columnists and entertainment shows make fortunes touting REAL or RUMOR. You know all that gossip and back-biting is what they promote on all these celebrity magazine we buy these days, competitive conversations. This hissing vitriol is considered “content”.

Gossip is like a hand gun. The only reason to buy into it is to hurt someone. There is a tone of voice that goes with gossip. We all know what it sounds like. We lean into it to participate, out of reflex. But as one friend said to me, after her phone had inadvertently recorded one of her catty conversations with a friend as she replayed it thinking she was going to listen to several messages at first, it stunned her. She almost did not recognize the mean-spirited voice. Who could possibly be so cruel? She could. It made her cry, listening to this voice the voice of someone she could not stand.

So, think about what might be true for you. When the juicy tidbits are flowing, when “the girls” get together, when you could be the center of “breaking news” about someone’s life that is flying into a million bits before you open your mouth (and shut off your heart) here is what gossip really means.


People who are addicted gambler they end up losing a lot of money and get into financial trouble. Gambling usually causes problems with their work, school or relationships. However, in spite of these problems, an addicted gambler will continue to gamble.file:///Users/davidjones/Desktop/DownloadedFile.jpeg
Men or women of any age can be addicted to gambling. Depression, drinking and taking drugs often go along with gambling. Addicted gamblers may also think about committing suicide.
A person's experiences and personality type also play a large part. The reason why so many people get addicted to gambling is because they rush into it and they hate it when they lose money and they keep on trying to see if they are going to win. And some is because of selfishness, after they have won they want to try again to win more money and before u know it they are getting addicted to gambling.


Wednesday 24 February 2010

Dangers of Smoking!!!!

Smoking is the one of the main cause of death every year. Smoking cause number of smoke related diseases such as lung cancer , respiratory problems and heart ailments and these dangers of smoking are increasing yearly.

Certain breathing disabilities are also the dangers of smoking. It could also result in a decreased capability to enjoy physical capabilities because of the ailment or side effects like breathing problems. Smoking leads to reduction in life expectancy.

Over the years a smoker will be more likely to develop respiratory ailments, thickening of the arteries, blood clots, cancer of the lung, cervix, larynx, mouth, esophagus, bladder, pancreas, and kidney, and emphysema, as well as exhibit symptoms such as reduced stamina, poor athletic performance, wheezing, coughing, dizziness, and nausea.

In time, a smoker suffers increased resistance to the flow of air into the lungs and reduced lung capacity. Besides these serious problems, prolonged tobacco use leads to stained teeth and fingers and bad breath. Even a smoker’s clothes and living quarters tend to smell of tobacco.

Sometimes I wonder why people smoke knowing that smoking is bad for them. To me is like preparing your own death. some say they are addicted don't give me that crap. Its like sex we are all addicted to it but that will not make me go and have sex with someone that i know that have AIDS without using condom because if i do that means am preparing my own death. Smoking is a slow killer that many of us don't know. There are many dangers of smoking to the body, to the immediate family, to the society, to the environment and economy. More than thousands of people die every year alone because of smoking.

Hmmm...... Bad Behaviour

I grew up in Africa where people tend to think that they are saint. But all my years i have pretended to be a good boy. Even thou to me I know am bad and when i mean am bad am really a bad news to people who don't really know where i come from. I was a violent and I hurt people a lot especially my junior ones, I sometimes kick them and tell them if they ever tell mum and dad am gonna kill them and they buy to it and keep their mouth shut. Because of my bad behaviour my little ones are always scared of me even at my class mate who knows me as a bully.n some families parents behave badly.

And bad behaviour is not just about hitting some one or making people life look like hell. There are lots of ways in which one person can try and control the family and friends. It could be by always putting your love ones down, bullying, not letting your friends have friends, or doing other bad things that make others feel bad and afraid. In a remote village in Africa were it is not a crime or domestic violet for anyone to hit others. Sometimes I wonder how we get away with things over there. It has made me even worst. The moment I get my freedom I go out there and do thinks that I know if my parents are there I would not have done in a million years.

Thursday 11 February 2010

About Meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well here goes i thought i would try this internet blogging to tell people more about me.
I suppose i have my on blog like everyone else to share more about me to everyone all over the world.
I am a full time student at Wolverhampton University and am a part time Dj. (DJ Ozone).
I am 32 years of age and i have one daughter who is the apple of my eye and yes everyone we she is the apple of my eye and i love her so much.
I am quite new fashioned and class myself as a gent and i honestly mean that,i like to treat everyone with honesty,loyalty and respect.
I am confident, bubbly, love a laugh and as an old friend said....
Here goes my hobbies....
1. Love any sport especially football, swimming, djing and going to the obligatory gym even though my six pack doesnt want to play.
2. I spend as much time as i am possibly able to with my daughter.
3. Reading(true crime books)watching movies and a passion of mine is music.
I love motown, reggae and r&b from back in the day, artists such as
Bob Marley
Peter Tosh
Lucky Dube
Stevie Wonder
Luther Vandross etc......
I can also listen to any other crazy music.etc so there is a wide variety i enjoy.
4.Love to eat out and i try all different cuisines and dishes although Indian and Chinese is a favourite.
If u are looking for a student party dj or any other party dj email me. or check me out on youtube. (dj ozone)